The Path of Righteousness
is Paves With Gloring Blue Stuff
June 6th, 2011
The set up for this strip made more sense when I began drawing it late last week. I actually did win a copy of infamous 2 through Subway’s "Win it Before You Can Buy It” campaign. And, indeed, I received it before one could procure it in stores.
I can assure players that the scenario above is not actually included in the game (and Zeke certainly isn’t the primary negative influence on Cole.)
The moral choices in inFamous are of particularly interest to me because the first game tried so hard each time a decision arose. My friends still joke in that cancer-riddled Solid-Snake-esque growl: “Hrrrrrrm…..posters, huh?”, “Should I get sprayed in the face by that gunk or make that guy do it for me? HRRRRRMMMMMMM. ”, “Should I cut that guy down, or leave him to the mob? HRRRRM—oh wait, if I cut him down, won’t the mob just get him anyway? ”
While the first couple choices in inFamous 2 are just as hammy as the first game’s, later decisions rely more on which ally you side with.
I enjoy karma based games, but designers inevitably simplify good and evil to 'glowing blue and healing' and 'red with tattoos and lightning'. Someone once summarized Fallout 3 for me as '"I blew up that nuclear bomb, but it’s okay because I gave some dude a bottle of water.”