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And I Must Scream

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And I Must Scream

December 30th, 2011

The trailer for Ridley Scott's Prometheus is out, and it looks great.

I knew I wanted to do something about Prometheus but wrote myself into a corner with a bad Episode 1 joke. Those who did not understand the hate quote might want to brush up on Harlan Ellison's I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Otherwise, just enjoy living in a world where that quote is not from Portal's own rogue AI.

Penny Arcade's Mike Krahulik had an interesting encounter with an internet tough guy posing as a PR rep and SEO specialist named Paul Christoforo. The follow up summarizes my opinion quite perfectly: Paul is a bully who is only sorry because there were repercussions to his actions. It's only further confirmed when Paul paints himself as the victim.

Nerd Rage is copyright © 2010-2015 Andy Kluthe. All rights reserved.
All images, graphics, artwork © 2010-2015 Andy Kluthe unless otherwise
noted and may not be used without permission.