A lot of analysts have predicted the downfall of Nintendo's portable market (as well as Sony's) by comparing it to mobile gaming. In short, the belief is that modern audiences all have phones phones or iPods; they don't want to buy a proprietary gaming handheld. They would rather pay a dollar for Angry Birds than $40 for Zelda. They've urged Nintendo to adopt this strategy and forgo proper game design for smaller titles with lower prices. This frenzy of microtransactions has taken root in the gaming industry; entire online games are supported only by an in game cash shop. Gamers are beginning to accept that they may buy a game then have to pay an additional fee to unlock it
Except back then, it was supposed to be funny that Wario was a greedy cheapskate.
Sakurai has announced that Kid Icarus: Uprising will come packaged with a special stand accessory. No one considered that a device with visuals reliant on remaining in one place might prove problematic on a portable device; presumably this will help keep the 3DS anchored and in focus while using the stylus for intense aerial gameplay.
Metal Gear Solid 3D sneaked right up on me -- it comes out next month! It's also worth noting the surprisingly silent Tales of the Abyss also releases next month.
Remember when Sony announced the Vita's partnership with AT&T at E3 2011 and got booed on stage? In the event you thought you could get sneaky and just swap out the sim card, AT&T has announced the device is carrier locked.
Edit: Testing a revised page layout. If things look a little different...that's why.