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It's A Blast

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Nerd Rage - Update
It's A Blast

November 16th, 2012

Fact: The Wii U is launching with 'Nintendo Land'.
Fact: This game stars Mii characters in Nintendo attractions.
Fact: Nintendo probably maybe definitely hates Metroid.

Or at least I've been led to believe this. Many would claim this hatred started with Metroid: Other M, but I'm more inclined to place the origin somewhere around Zelda and Mario's 25th Anniversary when Metroid (also turning 25) got squat. They rubbed salt in the wound the following year with a celebration for Kirby's anniversary.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I'm not really interested in Nintendo Land. Maybe I'm just not the target demographic. I love Nintendo, but I'm not the type to run out and buy a collection of hastily assembled minigames (unless Wario is making them, then I go out and buy that game instantly). Metroid Blast, especially, seems to lack the real theme of Metroid: exploration. Perhaps this game feels only weakly related to Metroid because it started life as the 'Battle Mii' tech demo. Instead it focuses on some sort of arena combat between players in Varia suits and one player (using the Wii U Game Pad) piloting Samus's ship.

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