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Nerd Rage - Elliott Nerd Rage - A Comic about nerds raging over nerdy things. Nerd Rage - Jim 2.gif Nerd Rage - A Comic about nerds raging over nerdy things.
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Champ In The Making

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Champ In The Making

December 7th, 2012

They call them gyms, right? So where do people in the Pokemon universe do things besides win badges and fight elementally-thematic teams against aspiring youth? Like, uh, work out?

Nintendo held another one of their Nintendo Direct conferences this week. I never know what to expect from these; sometimes it's just reiterating all the facts we already know, sometimes it's the announcement of a slew of new titles. The Pikmin 3 coverage is enough to get my attention. This is the most I've cared about the Wii U so far.

In the event you aren't regularly reading Dorkly (and you should be!) -- here's my most recent comic for them.

And be sure to check out this awesome interview with me over at GamerCheese.

Nerd Rage is copyright © 2010-2015 Andy Kluthe. All rights reserved.
All images, graphics, artwork © 2010-2015 Andy Kluthe unless otherwise
noted and may not be used without permission.