The Legends of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition is currently available on the DSi and 3DS for free. Go download that game right now. Sure, it's just a standalone multiplayer mode from a GBA game, but it's free and it's Zelda. You need no other reasons. That's the best combination of price (ie: nothing) and quality (ie: Zelda).
Meet the Plagiarism! Remember that rip-off completely original Chinese game Final Combat? You'll probably remember it as the game with TF2's models and Battlefield Heroes' maps. And they have Troy Horton (formerly from the Tomb Raider series) praising TF2 Final Combat for all its innovations.
Bethesda continues the fight to take down Scrolls. In fact, they're taking Mojang to court. The Elder Scrolls developer claims "Scrolls" is confusable with their property; they apparently have a monoply on rolled parchments. This is coming from the developer of Rage -- a game, one could argue, that simple name makes it confusable with Streets of Rage, Primal Rage, or Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage.