I picked up Star Fox 64 3D this week after a long string of difficulties with Kmart. The game is fun, but I could have told you that from the beginning -- Star Fox 64 was one of the N64's best games. It's a shame they cut the landmaster and (legendary) on-foot components of multiplayer. C'mon, without on-foot mode to work for why do I need all those medals?
I also picked up Aliens: Infestation. Do you like Aliens? Go buy this game. Do you like Metroidvania style games? Go buy this game. Do you like the beautiful, sprite-based artwork of WayForward in games such as Contra 4? Go buy this game! It was a surreal experience walking into Gamestop and buying a $30 DS game. This will be one of the last quality titles for the DS and will probably be overlshadowed by recognizable names like Kirby and Prof. Layton.
Minecraft has been doing some interesting things, from the addition of a new dimension to...dragons?