Guess what's out that starts with "Meet" and ends with "the Pyro"? Before this usual blog post may commence, watch it below.
Sony's upcoming Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale is taking the Super Smash Bros. formula and slapping a coat of Sony-colored paint on it. Which basically means Sony is doing what it does best -- copying the competition. So it could be a huge flop (see: Move controller) or it could be a huge success (see: The Dual Shock. And Dual Shock 2. And Dual Shock 3. Hey, remember when Sony controllers had no analog sticks and no rumble?).
One point of concern is the roster update at E3. Up until that point we only knew of 6 characters being included (on a game stressing the fact it's a crossover). E3 added Uncharted's Nathan Drake to the mix (a bit akin to announcing Link will be in the next Smash Bros.) and the bizarre decision to introduce the Big Daddy and Little Sister from Bioshock. While Sony is stressing that this means third party franchises will be included, it can also come off as "We only have 8 characters and we've already run out of viable exclusive franchises". LittleBigPlanet and Patapon have only been shown as stage settings, which means their respective heroes could still be added. But will they? What games are left? Resistance? LocoRoco? Ico and Colossus?