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July 6th, 2012

Don't believe everything you read online. It could have terrible consequenses.

If you're a living, breathing person you've probably seen a Chuck E Cheese commercial sometime between last week and 1993. Or maybe you've been in a Chuck E Cheese (I won't judge, you've had 20 years to do accomplish it). The company has just unveiled a new design for the mouse, one that casts Bowling for Soup's Jaret Reddick as his voice and unceremoniously dumps long-time voice actor Duncan Brannan. Even though the company has upgraded the cartoon rat to a modern CGI mascott, he's still pictured playing a guitar so you know he's only 90s-grade edgy.

Nintendo is trying hard to let us know they've finally figured out how the internet works with the Wii U. Unfortunately, they also can't promise its online services will always be free.

Above is the recently-released trailer for the new JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle (not to be confused with an All-Stars Battle Royale) from CyberConnect2. Love it, hate it, don't recognize it, JoJo is one of the most influential properties you may not even be able to identify.


Nerd Rage is copyright © 2010-2015 Andy Kluthe. All rights reserved.
All images, graphics, artwork © 2010-2015 Andy Kluthe unless otherwise
noted and may not be used without permission.