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July 13th, 2012

I've played exactly one New Super Mario Bros. game (New Super Mario Bros. Wii), and it's actually a lot of fun...if you have friends that will cooperate. Otherwise, sacrifices can and will be made. My problem isn't necessarily that the games are bad, it's that we're now on the fourth title, they're reusing the same (or very similar) assets, and yet we still have 'new' slapped in the title.

As of the time I'm writing this, there's a new comic I worked on up at Dorkly. You should check it out. And this applicable piece...cause the Steam Sale is on!

Do you know what time it is? If you guessed Adventure Time, you're wrong. It's Comic Con! Go! Go read about cool SDCC stuff! At the time I'm writing this, there's mostly just been preview coverage, so I'll touch on the things I thought w ere awesome (or at least interesting enough to comment on):

- NECA is making a Portal jumpsuit, the inevitable second co-op gun, and a $50 stand for the gun they expect people to buy separately

- NECA finally got the likeness rights to Arnold, just in time for the Predator 25th Anniversary

- NECA's second wave of Prometheus figures (spoilers if you haven't seen the movie). Interestingly, the most boring, undeveloped character in the movie is getting a figure before the one most would consider the protagonist.

- Game over, man! Game over!

- More Mega Man X D-arts than anyone could ever wish for.

- Dragonball Z, yo. Everyone who got mad about Krillin actually getting votes can suck on this.

- Bluefin presents some figures over 9000 people want.

There's more stuff, so I encourage you to go read up on it. SDCC isn't a toy-centric convention, so there'll be movie, TV and comic news. At the time I'm writing this, the actual event hasn't occured, only the preview.

Nerd Rage is copyright © 2010-2015 Andy Kluthe. All rights reserved.
All images, graphics, artwork © 2010-2015 Andy Kluthe unless otherwise
noted and may not be used without permission.