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It's Nerf Or Something

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It's Nerf Or Something

January 18th, 2013

If you search for Nerf guns on Youtube you'll find a lot of tutorials. A lot. They are various shades of helpful. For example, you might find one where an adult Nerf enthusiast prattles on about his Nerf Gun for 10 minutes, explains a modification that amounts to "put in more batteries" then promptly tests its firing ability off camera. Maybe. Something like this may possibly exist, if you look.

There's something genuinely fun about Nerf guns. Gone are the days when Nerf was the territory of foam footballs and guns-vaguely-shaped-like-animals. These fluorescent firearms have been made as revolvers, pistols, miniguns and (apparently) now even shotguns and P90s. In the fight to keep guns selling Nerf has realized there is one variable that's always in demand: shooting further.

That's why their Elite series does just that. All the boxes boast over the gun's increased range in launching a small piece of foam in a wind-free environment.

This isn't new territory for Nerf guns, though. As anyone who has ever Googled "Nerf guns" probably knows, these guns are usually designed to impede their own firepower. So you don't shoot your eye out. At the end of the day, they're still toys and they have to comply to basic child safety regulations. Yet there's an unbreakable relationship between the force required to launch a dart further and the kind of force that hurts if it's shot at the face-region in point-blank range.

And that's when adult fans get involved.

It's become easier and easier to modify old guns to make them shoot harder and faster. You have instructions as simple as stuffing some pennies in there or blocking airflow to adding stronger springs and replacement gears. There are even those who create harder, more powerful darts. And of course people who paint their giant plastic revolver gun metal gray.

I'm not a big fan of tacticool Nerf. In fact, if you're smithing foam darts purely for the sake of pain, you might look into a sport that involves firing little pellets of paint (or plastic BBs. Or regular BBs.) To each their own. I'll take my Nerf fluorescent colored, thank you. Extra suction cups, hold the velcro.

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